Instructor Training - Birth Boot Camp - Billings, Montana

Birth Boot Camp childbirth instructor training is three days (plus one night) full of information, teaching tips, hands-on skills, camaraderie, and opportunities for developing your own teaching skills. We work hard, but we have a great time doing it! Your childbirth educator training also includes fabulous breastfeeding education from an IBCLC via video download and marketing videos from a small business marketing expert. These videos target needs specific to starting a birth business and are available to you at any time, once your training is complete.

You will leave training feeling confident, invigorated, and ready to join your birth community! Apply today.


Billings, Montana, Vereinigte Staaten, 59101-59117 Billings

    Tickets for April 26, 2018

  • Thu
    6:00 PM

Instructor Training - Birth Boot Camp - Billings, Montana

This event in Billings was published by Birth Boot Camp.

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